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Another word for "holiday".....

Writer: Sharon CrabbeSharon Crabbe

I'm about to go on holiday, I'm heading off to the largest island in the Caribbean, Cuba. Instead of going out to Vancouver to spend some time with my daughter, we are going to meet in Cuba, at the airport hopefully, if flights go to plan.

It is a holiday, but it feels like something else, and I don't have a name for it. I've had a lot of thinking about this trip in the last few days, a tangle of thoughts that I am going to try and straighten out in this email. Or maybe, tangle them even more..

Firstly I must tell you that I am not an expert on the history and politics of Cuba by any stretch of the imagination. But I do know that Cubans are masters of resilient living and have been living with incredible challenges for decades. I've read about their amazing resourcefulness and creativity, the way they reduce, reuse and recycle can teach the rest of us a thing or two. They don't let scarcity stop them , they let it stretch them.

Another great attraction to Cuba is the music and the way they come together as a community with an incredible 'alegría de la vida' or joy of life. We have already experienced the warmth and generosity via our conversations with the people we have arranged to stay with, even in the aftermath of the recent hurricane.

To be honest, we were worried about travelling to Cuba following the devastation of hurricane Ian. I must admit I was thinking more about my own comfort and safety initially, especially when I read some of the reports of the damage and the huge number of people who left homeless, losing literally everything.

But I've realised that Cubans need tourists, more than ever. As I read somewhere recently, Cubans need tourists like the desert needs water. I've also realised something else, that my idea to travel as light as possible was also Me thinking about Me, about not having to haul suitcases around. I've now added a checked in bag to my flight, there is a such scarcity of every day items, I'm going to take as much as I can carry. I know it's only a drop in the ocean, but the ocean is made of drops, isn't it? I'll travel light coming home.

This "holiday" seems to be personally appropriate. Vacation maybe a better word, defined as ' the act of leaving something previously occupied'. Although I don't see that I occupy my life here or there, but thats another conversation.

But whatever it is, it's like the right time. Like I'm supposed to go. Amongst that tangle of thoughts about air travel and carbon foot prints, my privileged existence and ignorance about a country I'm going to visit, and all the assumptions and beliefs that I'm carting out there with me, I feel like I'm going to experience something really impactful. A lesson in humility perhaps? Not thinking less of myself, just thinking of myself less!

Who knows?

So, I maybe off grid for a while, or not. Again I'm not sure how things will be.

I'm back in time (Universe willing), for my new group programme, Lessen YOUR Stress, which kicks off on Monday 7 November. If you are still thinking about joining, or wondering whether it's right for you or not, let me say this:

Why wouldn't you want to live a stress reduced life? And why wouldn't you want the same for for your friends and family?

That's all it's about. An introduction to a way of seeing How Life Works that will impact every aspect of your day to day life in a truly positive way. Without you having to change circumstances, eliminate obstacles or avid situations.

For details click on the link or image.

But whatever it is, it's like the right time. Like I'm supposed to go. Amongst that tangle of thoughts about air travel and carbon foot prints, my privileged existence and ignorance about a country I'm going to visit, and all the assumptions and beliefs that I'm carting out there with me, I feel like I'm going to experience something really impactful. A lesson in humility perhaps? Not thinking less of myself, just thinking of myself less! ess! ss! s! !



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